Snack Pack® ‘Dirt’ dessert Pudding cups #SpoonfulofFun #ad

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ठूलो गाडीको


Compensation was supplied by Snack Pack® by means of mode Media  

This past weekend Chicago families got a special treat from Snack Pack® at the Spoon full of fun truck event. Here’s a peek into what the event was all about.

Image courtesy of Janick Laurent

Image courtesy of Janick Laurent

Although, I wasn’t able to see the Spoon full of fun truck myself, my kids and I still took pleasure in a tasty and healthy treat with Snack Pack® pudding.  I feel good about serving Snack Pack® pudding because each cup consists of just as much calcium as an 8 oz glass of milk.  My kids love the creamy texture and flavor of their large variety of pudding cups.  Here’s the fun and delicious recipe that you can make with your kids from Snack Pack®.

Snack Pack®  ‘Dirt’ dessert Pudding Cups

Try this fun pudding recipe with crushed cookies stirred into chocolate pudding and sprinkled on top to resemble dirt.

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

2 chocolate sandwich cookies, crushed fine
2 pudding cups (3.25 oz each) Snack Pack® chocolate Pudding
2 gummy worms

Stir half of crushed cookies evenly into pudding cups. Sprinkle remaining crushed cookies on top.
Place 1 gummy worm in each pudding cup. serve immediately.

My kids had fun creating their own dirt cups – and eating them afterwards! You can serve this recipe as a fun afterschool snack or special dessert after a healthy meal.

This back to school season take a moment to slow down and take pleasure in a tasty and fun treat with the
kids. Snack Pack® comes in a variety of flavors and uses limitless mix-in opportunities the kids can
help prepare. Each serving of Snack Pack® is fortified with as much calcium as an 8-oz glass of
milk,* so you can feel good about serving your kids Snack Pack. For mix-in inspiration, visit Snack
Pack® on Pinterest ( and Facebook (

Related  What is Pancreatitis?

** All Snack Pack® products consist of 30% DV calcium, with the exception of Bakery shop Lemon Meringue
Pie, Lemon Pudding, and Snack pack Gels.

Link to this post:Snack Pack® ‘Dirt’ dessert Pudding cups #SpoonfulofFun #ad


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साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!


ठूलो गाडीको


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