If you’re new here, a little something to know about us is that we are based in the Bay Area. Heather and I live about two miles from each other in Berkeley, twenty minutes from San Francisco.

We’ve partnered with four other Bay area companies in the baby space to bring you a giveaway. See below for what’s included and several ways to enter.

If you have a lot of pregnant friends, feel complimentary to share this link on Facebook and cross your fingers that one of them will be the lucky chick.

The prize: one set of 3 milk charms; one Willa Walker; one pair of Livie and Luca shoes, sizes up to 24mo; one custom-made petite Marin outfit up to size 18mo.

Let’s see what we’re talking about:

Petite Marin

A photo posted by petite Marin (@petitemarinkids) on Sep 14, 2015 at 11:11pm PDT

Petite Marin re-purposes your fave men’s dress tee shirts into custom-made children’s clothing, including bonnets, dresses, rompers and caps. hand-crafted with love in California, from one generation to the next. included in this giveaway: one custom outfit (dress and bonnet; romper and bonnet; or romper and cap- sizes 6-12 mo or 12-18 mo). Value: $125 I can tell you that I attempted to refashion a button-down tee shirt of my husband’s into a dress for my daughter and it was a failure. So, I vote to leave that service to the experts at petite Marin.

Eepples MilkCharm – The breast Milk Labeling charm (3-pack) The MilkCharm is a cute, basic to use dial that takes the worry out of remembering how fresh your breast milk is. also great for formula, baby food and lots of other food containers, so its usefulness last long after you’re done breastfeeding. works with any bottle. Made in the USA by Eeples. Value: $14.99

The Willa walker

You need this picture to get it, because when we say “device” you might think electronic. but the Willa walker is a handheld device that makes helping a baby learn to walk even a lot more joyful. It allows an adult to stand upright and still participate in this extraordinary milestone of their baby’s development. Value: $35

Livie and Luca baby and toddler shoes

Livie and Luca is an east Bay children’s shoe company known for their charming shoes and charitable giving. winner of giveaway will receive one pair of Livie and Luca baby sized shoes, your choice of Petal (white) or Flint (navy) models visualized below; available sizes: 0-6mo up to 18-24mo. a Rafflecopter giveaway

We wish you good luck!

Along with our contributor Karen, I’ll be heading to a baby industry trade show in Las vegas next week, so we will be reporting on a lot more advancements in the space soon! follow us on Instagram to see what we see at ABC kids Expo in Las Vegas.

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